Global Conflicts: A Geopolitical Approach 


3:10 PM – 4:10 PM

March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17

The Council on Foreign Relations’ Global Conflict Tracker identifies 26 conflicts around the world of concern to the United States. The Russian invasion of Ukraine currently eclipses most if not all the other ones. We examine major recent on-going and potential trouble areas in Africa, the Americas and Eurasia, emphasizing geographic factors that caused or contributed to hostilities. Among  the topics covered are:

  • Geography and geopolitics
  • The US global deployment of power and its geopolitical good fortune
  • Civilizational conflicts
  • The situation in Eurasia
  • Border conflicts
  • China’s “Monroe Doctrine?”
  • Conflicts in the Middle East
  • The situation in Africa

Facilitator: Roger Levy

Roger Levy in his 25-year career as a faculty member of St. Thomas Aquinas College, taught courses in international business and geography. His interest in global issues has not abated since he retired from full-time teaching, approximately ten years ago.