History of Presidential Elections

History of Presidential Elections

Hybrid – Monday 1:10 pm – 2:50 pm

Sept. 30, Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov. 4

In this course we learn about the Presidential elections that most affected American history. For each election, we look at the events leading up to the election, the candidates running for president and why that election was so important. We have a little fun speculating about what if the losing candidate had won, and how American history might have changed. We end with a look at this year’s election and discuss present day trends. Your thoughts and questions will always be welcomed.

Week 1:  Overview: What voters look for in a President and how a President is elected

               1796/1800 – Adams/Jefferson – Precedents for peaceful transitions

Week 2:  1824/1828 – Andrew Jackson – Rise of the first populist President

               1860/1864 – Lincoln – Disunion and Re-union

Week 3:  1912/1916 – Wilson and WWI – Positioning America to be a world power

               1932 – FDR – Federal govt as public protector

Week 4:  1948 – Truman’s surprise win

               1960 – Kennedy – Path to the Great Society and Vietnam

Week 5:  1968 – Nixon – 1960’s division and Watergate

               1980 – Reagan – Re-establishing conservative government

Week 6:  2008/16 – Obama/Trump – Cultural tolerance and grievance

               2020/24 – Biden/TBD – Rise of the ‘evil other’ and the future of Democracy

Jordan Kolovson earned an MA in Political Science and an MBA in International Business from the University of Connecticut. Now retired, he worked as a Senior Research Manager for RTi Research, a market research company in Norwalk. A lifelong enthusiast of American political history, Jordan is an avid reader of historical analyses, with particular interest in learning different perspectives of events and leaders in U.S. history.