Empire of Reason

Empire of Reason

Hybrid – Thursday 3:10 pm – 4:50 pm

Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 10, 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14 – No Class on Oct. 3

Our original American Republic continues to exist, but arguably in form only.  The Constitution, the blueprint for government, together with the attendant Bill of Rights, the citizens’ protection against the infringements of government, may no longer apply to the extent necessary for America to have a functioning system of representative government.

We showcase the original Republic—an effort in limited government based, at the outset, on restricted suffrage, by which only white male property owners could vote.  As such, the basic founding principle was economic liberty, without which civil rights, political rights and human rights could not exist.  We examine the Founders as they attempted to forge a nation coming off a civil war (that internecine clash between Patriotic Colonists vs. Tories/Loyalists) followed by revolution against the British crown.  We also address the effect of Shay’s Rebellion in 1785.

The framers of this nation were hardly the glorious founders of that Shining City on the Hill, as they have been routinely characterized. Quite the opposite, since they were, in reality, enlightened authoritarians.  They were distrustful of the “common herd,” that unpredictable and sometimes turbulent mass which could not be trusted to run a country; which at the same time, had to be included in any governmental structure.  A previously offered LLI course.

  • Week 1:  Enlightened Authoritarians:  A realistic look at the Founding Generation
  • Week 2:  The Horizontal Determinism of History:  The Founders’ consultation of history
  • Week 3:  Property, Politics and, . . . Power!  Land as a determinant for power. Those who control land, control power.
  • Week 4:  Articles of Confederation:  First attempt at central government
  • Week 5:  Shay’s Rebellion.  Again the farmer class falls prey to the privileged
  • Week 6:  Meeting of the Minds:  The Great Men meet in Philadelphia to hammer out a Republic
  • Week 7:  Post-Convention Date:  The ongoing debate for the Republic following from September, 1787 to August, 1788.
  • Week 8:  Empire of (Un)Reason: Instructor’s closing: Today, the Republic exists merely in form.

Mark Albertson is the historical research editor at Army Aviation magazine in Monroe and the historian for the Army Aviation Association of America.  He has authored several books and articles in newspapers and magazines. He works in many venues, presenting on a wide spectrum of topics. In May 2005, Mark was presented with a General Assembly Citation by the Connecticut legislature for his work commemorating the centennial of the battleship Connecticut.