Dream Worlds of Chagall and Dali

Dream Worlds of Chagall and Dali

Zoom – Tuesday 10:10 am – 11:50 am

Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5

Come explore and enjoy a deeper dive into the art of these two geniuses. The two artists used their dreamscapes to animate their art.  Dali was a truer Surrealist but Chagall blended personal memories, fantasies and dreams. A previously offered LLI course.

  • Week 1:  Chagall – Youth and influences
  • Week 2:  Paris and Bella
  • Week 3:  Dali – Early works, family and religion
  • Week 4:  Comparison of works by Dali and Chagall
  • Week 5:  Chagall – Lovers
  • Week 6:  Chagall – Jerusalem Windows
  • Week 7:  Chagall – Jerusalem Windows
  • Week 8:  Wrap Up

Darby Cartun earned a BS from Syracuse University and an MAT from Sacred Heart University. She is a passionate lover of the arts with a desire to share ideas and theories. Her radio talk broadcast is heard on 1490 WGCH every weekday afternoon, 12:30pm-1:00pm (www.wgch.com). She is also the founder of Museum Comes to You, which services senior centers, men’s and women’s groups and assisted living residences in Connecticut and New York.