Intersection of Artist and Architect

Intersection of Artist and Architect – CLOSED

In-Person – Friday 10:10 am – 11:50 am

Sept. 20, 27, Oct. 18, 25, Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22 No Class on Oct. 4, 11

Art and architecture have their similarities but also their unique differences.  Influencing factors of design include politics, religion, fashion and tastes of the times. Let’s explore this together. 

  • Week 1: Europe- Paris World’s Fair, reaction to Spanish Civil War, Picasso, Miro and others
  • Week 2: Hofmann Walls of Color, facades
  • Week 3: Benton, Davis and Pollack
  • Week 4: WPA and Harlem Renaissance 
  • Week 5: Rothko Chapel 
  • Week 6: Muralists 
  • Week 7: American buildings inside and out
  • Week 8: Then and Now wrap up

Darby Cartun earned a BS from Syracuse University and an MAT from Sacred Heart University. She is a passionate lover of the arts with a desire to share ideas and theories. Her radio talk broadcast is heard on 1490 WGCH every weekday afternoon, 12:30pm-1:00pm ( She is also the founder of Museum Comes to You, which services senior centers, men’s and women’s groups and assisted living residences in Connecticut and New York.