Lifetime Learners, with well over 400 members, is run almost entirely by volunteers. A Board of Directors, volunteers elected annually from the membership, sets policies and controls our finances. Day-to-day work is done by committees staffed by our members. Instructors of courses receive a modest honorarium for teaching. Many of them also help to run the organization.
Why do so many members pitch in? “Lifetime Learners is a great organization because of what it does for lifelong learning. It’s a place where we can all find opportunities to do the kinds of things we like to do. That’s a dirty little secret about volunteering. We help run LLI, and that’s surely a good thing. But at the same time, we can do what we do best and have fun doing it.” Mike Mugnolo
Doing what they like to do
Some of the people who work for LLI are doing what they did in their previous lives. Others have found ways to do something different in retirement.
Finding your place in the LLI community If you are not active already, do think about what YOU like to do, and see if there’s a place where you can do it here. Do you like to manage things? You could become a committee chair and move on to the Board of Directors. Would you like to help out just now and then? You could help with mailings. Would you like to share your passion for a particular subject? Think about becoming a facilitator.